Policy Statement

In Our Business We:

Uphold and adhere to being a “Professional Accountant.”

Uphold and adhere to the requirements of the professional organisations of which we are members – the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) and the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) Professional Codes of Conduct/Ethics.

Uphold and adhere to the requirements of the TASA2009 Code of Conduct for Registered TAX Agents (The Code).


Uphold and promote the ethical standards of the tax profession.

Comply with our personal and business tax and compliance obligations.

Our Professional Practice Quality Management & Risk Management System Includes Processes for:

    • Our approach to providing services.
    • Our approach to communication with Clients.
    • Review of work performed.
    • Supervision and control.
    • Record keeping in relation to services provided.
    • Recognition and required actions in relation to amending or correcting previous work including any false or misleading statements to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or other Government agency.

To Achieve This, we:

  • Have a robust Quality Management and Risk Management System.
  • Undertake a minimum of 120 hours of Continuing Professional Education/Development (CPE/CPD) over a 3-year period – with at least 20 hours each year, in the following competency areas:
    • Technical and product knowledge (including relevant taxation laws);
    • Management and professional skills; and
    • Professional and ethical standards
  • Provide training and resources to ensure we understand and apply the current business and compliance obligations for our clients.
  • Provide training and resources to ensure we understand and apply the Codes.
  • Actively endorse, promote and require adherence to the Codes.
  • Maintain a culture of transparency, accountability, ethical conduct and compliance with the Codes and taxation laws.

In the event of an issue arising in relation to the performance of any of our team concerning their performance, including with respect to breaches of the Codes:

  • We have systems to enable team members to report concerns.
  • Our policy is to protect team members who raise any such concerns.
  • We have processes to manage and address any underperformance.
  • Appropriate records of actual or potential breaches of the Codes are maintained.

Our Team Members:

  • Are supervised and reviewed as necessary to ensure quality of provision of services.
  • Are trained and enabled to be up to date with necessary skills and knowledge.
  • We ensure that any team member, person or entity providing services to you on our behalf has not been disqualified by the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB).
  • We have conducted police checks as required as an element of ensuring the team meet the requirements of being a fit and proper person.
  • Are remunerated in accordance with consideration of their skill, experience and adherence to the Codes.

We specifically note that in accordance with the requirements of the Codes we uphold the principles of:

  • Honesty & Integrity,
  • Objectivity,
  • Professional Competence and Due Care,
  • Independence,
  • Confidentiality, and
  • Professional Behaviour.


  • We will not knowingly obstruct the proper administration of the taxation laws.
  • We take reasonable care in ascertaining a client’s state of affairs and in ensuring that taxation laws are applied correctly to your circumstances in relation to the statements we are making on your behalf or the advice we are providing to you.
  • We will advise you of your rights and obligations under relevant taxation laws (i.e. those that are materially related to the tax agent services we provide).
  • We maintain the professional indemnity insurance requirements of our Professional Bodies
  • and the TPB.

We confirm we will advise you of any matter that could significantly influence your decision in relation to our engagement for provision of services. Please also refer to our Disclosure Statement and Engagement Letter

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